Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back to Louetta Week 4

What's up everyone?

I hope you got home in time for the missionaries, and they get delicious foods. I love hearing about y'all's vacations and other fun stuff that happens in your life. I can't believe that Lilly is in first grade, that's really weird to me, she was barely in school when I left. Basically everyone is growing up and I am kinda not OK with it. I hope your back and burns don't get too bad and get better soon! I have not gotten a letter yet, but I might today, I'm really excited for the stamps, I got Valerie's address, so I can send her stuff as well! I did get the resend, and they all look great, Arielle's eyes look a little demonic though (just the way the picture is). 

Our P-Days are usually shop, email, and play. It really isn't too complicated. We do some soccer, but last week we did some nerf, awesome! We are such kids but I don't care. We do have a fun set of missionaries. My week went by pretty normally, nothing too out of the ordinary. We started to teach this one kid whose records were lost. He is basically a member, but he just needs to be rebaptized, we hope it will be soon, and then we can help him out and get him on a mission, I think that would be really fun to do. 

Also Friday we had zone conference, which is fun as always. Good to see other missionaries. A part of the training was on patience, and that is something I still need to work on, oh well, I guess I'm not as perfect as I thought I was (I'm still pretty, no, extremely awesome, don't worry). Something fun they do in addition to volleyball on Fridays is a little bit of dodgeball, so it's a doubly whammy  Friday nights.

Today, I impulse bought a Star Wars cars windshield thing to block the sun out because it is hot and the inside of the car is hot. It was a pretty fun week, and hopefully the people of the Ward get here soon so we can soccer it up!

I love yall so much!

Elder Atkinson (Nic)

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